Safety and Security
Safety & Security
School Safety Vision: SAFE- Stay Accident-Free Every time
The school believes that a physically and psychologically safe environment is a strong enabler to encourage teachers to teach with greater passion and students to learn more effectively. The safety vision is in line with the school vision, mission, values and beliefs. All school members should ensure that SAFE practices are part of their daily duties and do what is right which is guided by our beliefs.
School Safety Mission:
Create a safe and secure workplace & environment for all.
School Safety Strategies
Strategy 1: To develop, implement and review School Safety & Security
organisation, system and structure for sustainability. This includes:
a) establishing internal safety audit structure & School Readiness Self-Assessment
b) assess and review safety & security procedures and processes for safety & security assessment, mitigation and improvement;
c) develop an open and near-miss reporting system;
d) develop a school-wide safety policies and;e.develop school security SOPS and school emergency preparedness (EP) instructions.
Strategy 2: To create a Safe & Secure culture. This includes:
a) Implement safety education programme that teaches Safety awareness before the commencement of CCA programmes and conduct safety briefing before commencement of vocation training and art programmes. Teachers are also briefed on lightning risk alert arrangement and selected CCA teachers are to attend standard first-aid & AED training;
b) Operationalise Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) through the deployment of generic RAMS
c) Prepare and ready to manage security incident to manage emergency situations and;
d) Implement & review School EP training for Admin staff & key personnel in the School Emergency Structure (SES).
School Safety Committee (SSC)
The School Safety Committee sets direction and guides safety processes in various school areas so as to provide a safe environment for teaching and learning. The SSC is headed by the Principal as the Advisor, Vice Principal (Admin) as the Chairman who is also the Chief Safety Officer and Six members.

School Emergency Preparedness
School Emergency Structure (SES)
To support the school leaders to mitigate and manage security incident, the SES is established, headed by the Principal as Advisor. He is assisted by VP (Admin), School Chief Security Officer and Vice Principal of Academic and Vocation Education. The roles and responsibilities of SES are to:
prepare and strengthen security vigilant to create a safe & secure learning environment for students and staff;
assist School Leaders to identify gaps (if any) in the School Emergency & Security Preparedness;
facilitate, train & conduct School EP exercise SES (Intact) & SES (Separated) to manage an emergency;
instill intuitiveness, safety consciousness and awareness in staff and students during emergencies;
Emergency preparedness – increase the school’s preparedness to respond in the aftermath of an emergency situation and;
to engage community partners (e.g. NPC, SCDF, Grassroots organization, etc) on an on-going process to enhance a good understanding for crisis and emergency management.
Guiding Principles during school emergency
Regardless of the type of security incidents (e.g. fire, intrusion and hostage taking) actions to be taken by School Leaders and staff must follow the fundamental maxim that the safety of the school population is of utmost importance. During an emergency or security incident, staff and students are to:
be calm, do not panic;
listen and follow the instructions announced by the school;
if there is an intrusion, adopt the Run, Hide, Tell drill;
avoid direct confrontation and;
School Insurance