Curriculum Approaches
Hands-On, Skills-Based, Practice-Oriented
Authentic settings are deliberately scheduled to allow students to apply and showcase their learning, and to anchor assessment and feedback on observable actions. Learning is situated in immersive real-world settings via the school’s unique vocational training facilities to deepen students’ appreciation of the relevance of the learning.

Creative Integration of Academic and Vocational Subjects to Strengthen Literacy and Numeracy
By integrating the academic and vocational curricula through the experiential learning of academic topics and skills in vocational settings, students are able to appreciate the functional use of English and Mathematics.

Strengthening 3R through Engagement in Art and Aesthetics
The Arts and Aesthetics programmes within the formal curriculum tap into the students’ affective domain to motivate them to come to school, by engaging them in fun activities that would enrich their schooling experience, enabling them to hone personal life skills. Participation in such activities also builds students’ resilience and self-worth through experiencing success in a fun manner.